Adventures In Angular

The JAM in JAMstack with Tara Z. Manicsic - AiA 420



In this episode of Adventures in Angular the panel interviews Tara Manicsic. Tara is an Angular Developer Experience Engineer at Netlify. Tara explains what she does at Netlify. She explains what Netlify is and introduces the topic for today’s episode, JAMstack. She explains what services Netlify offers and the packages they offer.  She explains that the JAM in JAMstack stands for JavaScript API Markup, which outlines the best practices of a JAMstack architecture. During her explanation of JAMstack and the benefits of a microservice architecture, she references Smashing Magazine and their switch to JAMstack.  Tara overviews each letter of JAM and how they affect JAMstack. J or Javascript refers to the use of a JavaScript language, like Angular and others. Tara lists the API’s one might use for the A in JAM. The panel discusses the M or Markup. Markup serves up fast and safe prerendered content. Tara explains what prerender means and it makes the content safer and the sites faster. Tara then overviews the enti