Walkner Condon Financial Advisors

Roth IRAs: Opportunities and Pitfalls



Mitch & Alicia are in the booth discussing all things Roth: Roth IRAs, Roth 401(k)s, and Roth Conversions. They provide some background on why Roth money can be a powerful tax-advantaged tool and how it can be part of a “tax-diversified” strategy. Mitch & Alicia discuss when it makes sense for Roth retirement contributions vs. tax-deferred contributions, as well as opportunistic times when someone could consider Roth as part of their plan, whether it is a young investor, pre-retiree, or those in retirement. Not only do people use Roth strategies in their own game of tax arbitrage, but Roth is also something to consider when it comes to legacy planning for the next generation! Lastly, there are things to watch out for when making a Roth vs. tax-deferred or a Roth Conversion strategy. Take a listen to find out more.