Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/2/24



On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, we are in stagflation. The economy is contracting, unemployment is rising, and inflation is getting worse. Kamalanomics is destroying the economy and Harris blames Trump, who has been out of office for nearly 4-years, for the disastrous economic situation, which will only get worse. So, that's her answer - blame Trump. Also, Harris got enough delegates virtually to secure the Democrat Presidential nomination – all without a single vote. What took place with the virtual counting of delegates was the hijacking of the democratic electoral system. Harris brings literally nothing substantive to the presidential race. She throws around cliches, exploits identity politics and victimization, takes no responsibility for the failed policies of her administration, and takes credit whenever she can for anything that seems to be working but provides not a single substantive reason to vote for her. She is running from her former statements and policies without explanation. She hides from real j