Ptm Radio



Subscriber-only episodeSend us a Text Message.What if the serpent seed survived the Great Flood? Join us as we unravel this controversial theory, analyzing how Jesus' teachings in John 8 and the genetic purity of Noah, described as perfect in his generations, support this notion. We'll trace the lineage of Noah's family, exploring how the sons of God and the daughters of men intermarried, blending Cain's and Adam's lines. Through Brother Branham's teachings, we'll examine the influence of inherited traits on Noah's sons—Shem, Japheth, and Ham—and discuss Ham's particular wickedness despite his father's pure genealogy.Together, we'll explore the profound concept of spiritual genetics and predestination according to Brother Branham. We'll discuss how every individual is perceived as a hybrid from the original creation and how Jesus identified certain people as being of their father, the devil, due to the absence of God's gene in them. Highlighting