Rescue Radio With Marjorie Cole

"What's The Truth?" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole



How do we know who is telling the truth? In these days, spiritual deception is ramping up, and people are confused, who are we to believe? Great distress is mounting over what the truth is, what the true nature of God is, and who we are. Is God good, and if He is, what about all the controversy about what He does? Why is it necessary to put the devil in the equation to make any sense of God and what is happening down here? As the days of the Return of the True King, Jesus Christ, draw nearer, there will be more counterfeiting of the real, more confusion until the ultimate counterfeit of Christ appears as the anti-Christ. We must know the truth and be able to help others get out of the traps of deception, indoctrination, and confusion.  Get your copy of "Spiritual Warfare and How Deliverance Can Change Your Life" at Amazon, and you can also check out Marjorie's other books. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"