Partakers Christian Podcasts

Truth - Bible Thought - WISE



Truth Truth! What is truth? Today we hear consistently that there are no absolute truths anymore! We hear all the time that for twenty first century people "What is true for me may not be true to you! What is true for you may not be true for me?" So what is truth? Facts may be either true or false - an intellectual truth. An example would be that Moses existed as a person. That is a true fact. Or it could used to define a characteristic of a reliable person, such as Joseph's brothers in Genesis 42:16. These are also used to describe God as a true God, rather than the pagan gods belonging to the nations around Israel. Truth or being true, is described as a characteristic of Yahweh, the God of Israel. God is consistently true and therefore trustworthy in all His ways. God's loving care is trustworthy and seen in His dealings with Israel. In the New Testament, Christianity is seen as Truth (Galatians 2:5; Ephesians 1:13)! Indeed Jesus said that He was the only truth, the only life and the only way to God. Jesus