The Kevin Rose Show

Optimizing Metabolism and Limitless Health (#57)



Are you struggling with your health despite following all the "right" advice? The answer may lie in a surprising place: your metabolism. In this episode, Kevin sits down with Dr. Casey Means to explore the connection between metabolism and limitless health, and how understanding your unique metabolic needs can unlock your potential for optimal wellness. They discuss the latest research on metabolism and health, six biomarkers that predict metabolic disease, and practical tips for optimizing your metabolic function.Guest Bio and Links:Dr. Casey Means is a medical doctor, writer, tech entrepreneur (Levels), aspiring regenerative gardener, and outdoor enthusiast who lives in a state of awe for the miracle and mystery of existence and consciousness. During her training as a surgeon, Casey saw how broken and exploitative the healthcare system is and left to focus on how to keep people out of the operating room. Casey is passionate about working towards a healthier and happier planet by empowering people to underst