The Minds Of Madness - True Crime Stories

Episode 29 - Melvyn John Otterstrom & Michael Burdell



In April 1985, a man named Ronnie Lee Gardner who was facing numerous felony charges and the possibility of a death sentence was meeting his lawyers downtown Salt Lake City at the Metropolitan Hall of Justice. Having escaped prison before, another opportunity for a breakout presented itself. As Ronnie was led into the courthouse that morning, shackled at the waist, a female friend approached him and handed him a loaded revolver. How to support: For extra perks including extra content, early release, and ad-free episodes - Go to - Patreon How to connect: Website Instagram Facebook Twitter Music Credits: Steve O'Connell - Doom and Gloom Midnight North - Take me to the Depths Josh Lippi & the Overtimers - Fresno Alley After the Fall Josh Lippi & the Overtimers - St. Francis Kai Engel - Evermore Kai Engel - Oecumene Sleep Wes Hutchinson - One Down Dog Kai Engel - Something The Whole Other - Beyond the Lows Steve O'Connell - Empty Inside