Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Ryan Bridge: Why are our councils discussing the war in Gaza?



What are councils, local councils, regional councils? It should be a simple question. What is their purpose? I've always believed it's to take away my rubbish, put the street lights on. When I go to the toilet, you can take that away too. That's part of your job. Roads, rubbish, sewerage, swimming pools, maybe a library. Although we've got the internet now, so why do we need libraries? But that's a debate for another day. A big scrap in Rotorua, I was reading this over the weekend, over Gaza. Notices of motion, petitions, meetings, interrupted, staff involved. And I asked myself, what has Rotorua Lakes Council got to do with Gaza? They're calling for a ceasefire, and they're one of dozens of councils across the country who are doing this. A clip from mayor Tanya Tapsell's interaction with Councillor Maxwell, who was trying to get this over the line, has gone viral. "Councillor Maxwell, I rule that that is not an urgent item." Probably the first time anything from a council has gone viral. Don't get me wrong.