Killer Instinct

A Tenacious Detective Finally Catches Lynsie Ekelund's Killer



Lindsay AKA Lynsie Ekelund went missing after going out with some friends one night in February 2000. It would take almost a decade to find her true killer. This week, Savannah runs down the small pool of suspects, including Lynsie's own mother, and why it took a fresh set of eyes on the case to ultimately discover what happened to Lynsie that night. Detective Larry Montgomery finally closed the case after agonizing over the details and getting a confession out of the murderer, Christopher Michael McAmis. Love Killer Instincts but hate the ads? Subscribe to the ad-free version here!: Listeners can receive 10% off your first order over $150 plus free shipping. Visit to get your individual code! Take your FREE in-depth hair consultation and get 15% off your first order today! Go to Download the 5 star-rated puzzle game, Best Fiends FREE today on the App Store or Google Play! Listen to Wondery’s The Generation Why Podcast on Apple Podcasts