Killer Instinct

Solved, then Unsolved: The Case of Jennifer Lockmiller



In May of 1995, Alan Beaman was sentenced to 50 years for the murder of his ex-girlfriend Jennifer Lockmiller. Seems like case closed, right? This week, Savannah examines Jennifer's tragic final moments before she was discovered murdered in her home, why Alan was the main target from early on in the investigation, and why Alan was ultimately set free in 2008, over a decade later thanks to DNA evidence. Plus, Savannah brings to light the one suspect whose DNA was found on the scene, but police have refused to release any of his information to the public. Love Killer Instincts but hate the ads? Subscribe to the ad-free version here!: Receive 10% off your first order over $150 plus free shipping by visiting to get your individual code! Take Hawthorne’s quiz TODAY and get the men in your life started on their new routine by going to and using promo code killer to get 10% off your first purchase! Save 20% on your Halo Collar by going to Sho