
Rand(Nerds); Episode 247 - Backbone controller, Command and Conquer Renegade



Welcome to Episode 247 Skazz has been hitting mobile gaming on his iPhone with an varitory of emulators that are now available, joined up with the Backbone, a device that attached to your phone and give you controller interface. It does have an and app and subscription services with some bullshit features tied behind it Ram has been playing early 2000s first person shooter Command and Conquer Renegade, an attempt to take the red alert universe down to ground level. It also had a pretty unique multiplayer mode based around trying to destroy your opponents base. Ram also revist’s The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, and how he got over the bug that was stopping his progress before he ended up dropped the game anyway We also discuss Skazz preferred holiday destinations. Notes PS or xBox style controller on your phone with the Backbone, shame about the subscription First person command and conquer in C&C Renegade. Interesting idea, but gameplay makes it not worth the time, The Bureau: XCOM Declassified Also check o