Rnib Connect

S2 Ep659: RNIB Connect Voices Round Up 7 August 2024



Alice Findlay, RNIB Customer Voice Insight Co-ordinator shares the latest opportunities for blind and partially sighted people to get involved in with RNIB Connect Radio’s Toby Davey. Opportunities highlighted this week included: How have you been affected by the cost of living crisis? As inflation eases and a new government are in power RNIB would like to understand how the cost of living crisis has impacted blind and partially sighted people across the UK. So we’re running a short survey to understand more and we’d love to hear from you!  The 10-minute survey covers the areas where costs spiralled the most including food, energy, technology products and rent or mortgage prices. Your experiences will provide an opportunity for RNIB to work with retailers, energy providers, politicians, and banks and building societies to ensure services are accessible for blind and partially sighted customers. The survey will close on Tuesday 27 August.  To complete the survey, please send an email to involvement@rnib.org.