Medical Industry Feature

Beyond Single-Cancer Screens: Unveiling Progress in Early Detection Testing



Host: Charles Turck, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP Guest: Jessie Hsieh, MD Guest: David Isaacson, MD About 70 percent of all cancer-related deaths are associated with cancers that don't have recommended USPSTF screening modalities.1 But the good news is that adding multicancer early detection (MCED) testing to usual care screenings could help address this gap and potentially improve outcomes by screening for more cancer types. Joining Dr. Charles Turck to share their experiences with MCED testing and a real-world patient case are Drs. Jesse Hsieh and David Isaacson. Dr. Hsieh is the Chairman of the Board of Beacon Health System in Indiana, and Dr. Isaacson is an Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology at the Indiana University School of Medicine. Reference: Estimated deaths per year in 2022 from American Cancer Society Cancer Facts and Figures 2022. Available at: