Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 508: What Does Tisha B’Av Teach Us Today? Is Israel Still the Safest Place on Earth?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does Tisha B’Av teach us today?    How does it empower us in difficult times?  What is its psychological application?  How do these days, and the general Jewish calendar, reflect the cycles of life?  Why are different prayers designated to different times of the year?  How do we explain Rabbi Akiva laughing when he saw destruction?  Is it appropriate for a family not to celebrate a child’s birthday in the month of Av?  Is someone born during this time of year destined to negative experiences, G-d forbid?  Why do we fast?  When was Moshiach born?  What is the connection between the sin of the scouts and the destruction of the Temple?  What was the difference between the sins that caused the destruction of the first and second Temples?   Why was baseless hatred the primary cause for the Temple’s destruction?  What can we do to increase unity?  Why does lashon hara affect the one spoken about?  How far are we from Moshiach’s comi