Tprs Russian Effortless Russian

24 – Curious George Drinks Wine (А1: Завтракать, Обедать, Ужинать)



Today we learn how to describe our typical day in Russian!  *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Обезьяна Любопытный Джордж утром завтракает дома. Он ест хлопья. Днём он обедает в кафе. Там он ест бананы. Вечером он ужинает в ресторане. Там он пьёт красное вино. Text in English: Curious George (the monkey) has breakfast at home in the morning. He eats cereal. During the day, he has lunch at a cafe. There he eats bananas. In the eve