Deborah Kobylt Live

Joshua M. Greene, Author, filmmaker, educator and Holocaust scholar.



I’m thrilled to welcome to our show, Joshua M. Greene, who, in his own words, says he’s spent much of his life’s work “sharing extraordinary stories about extraordinary people.” Mr. Greene spent countless years practicing yoga and meditation with George Harrison, and eventually wrote “Here Comes The Sun,” a biography that chronicles the spiritual and musical journey of former Beatle. We’ll ask him about that. Joshua is also a renowned Holocaust scholar and filmmaker, whose books have sold more than a half-million copies worldwide, including “Unstoppable,” “Justice at Dachau,” and books for young adults, including “The Girl Who Fought Back,” and “Signs of Survival, A Girl on Schindler’s List.” We’ll ask him about all of them. Mr. Greene is a popular lecturer who has spoken at the Pentagon, and his films and documentaries on Holocaust history have aired on PBS and Discovery. He’s received numerous awards, including the Gold Metal at the NY International Film and TV Festival. On a personal note, Joshua M. Greene