Behind The Knife: The Surgery Podcast

Journal Review in Colorectal Surgery: Management of Splenic Flexure Cancer



Join Drs. Galandiuk, Bolshinsky, Kavalukas, and Simon as they discuss the controversial management of colon cancer of the splenic flexure. What procedure do you perform? Does it matter? Tune in to hear the discussion! Hosts: - Susan Galandiuk MD, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, @DCREdInChief - Vladimir Bolshinsky MD, Peninsula Health, Victoria, Australia, @bolshinskyv - Sandy Kavalukas MD, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, @sandykava - Hillary Simon DO, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, @HillaryLSimon Producer: - Manasa Sunkara MS3, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, @manasasunkara12 Learning objectives: - Review surgical procedure options for splenic flexure cancer. - Understand the importance of confirming the location of the tumor with imaging and/or endoscopically, perioperatively. - Discuss surgical principles of operating in the left upper quadrant.  References:  de’Angelis, et al. Extended right colectomy, left colectomy, or segmental left c