The Competitive Edge

Serial Entrepreneur On How Inner Work Creates Outer Results (Dave Hersh)



A lot of people think consciousness work is just a way to feel better.  With this perspective, the connection between inner work and external results is tenuous. Maybe having a better temperament will make you a better leader or manager and more easily able to avoid burnout, but that’s about it.  This is an incredibly limited perspective that misses the big picture. Until you work on your consciousness, you’re mostly just operating life through a set of inherited patterns you didn’t choose. This would be fine if they were all helpful, but most people’s unconscious patterns are oriented around avoiding harm and using the external world to get love. So they perceive the world through the narrow lens of their patterns which direct all their activities.  This is why entrepreneurs raise money before they should, stay in businesses they don’t care about, and pursue opportunities that aren’t actually aligned with the needs of the business. I was thrilled to meet another entrepreneur who sees this clearly and recogni