Em Pulse

Sent to the ED



Many of our ED patients come in because they were told to. Whether it’s by an advice nurse, primary care provider, urgent care, call center, specialty coordinator, etc., it often feels to us like the default is “go to the ED”. But, of course, that’s not the case. There are myriad reasons why patients may be sent to the ED. In this episode, we talk with two of our favorite outpatient physicians - a Pediatrician and an Internist - about when and why they refer patients to the ED, as well as what they do to try to keep them out of the ED!  Did you learn something new? Please share this podcast with your colleagues! Hit us up on social media @empulsepodcast or at ucdavisem.com Hosts: Dr. Julia Magaña, Professor of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at UC Davis Dr. Sarah Medeiros, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at UC Davis Guests: Dr. Olivia Campa, Assistant Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine at UC Davis Dr. Lena van der List , General Pediatrician at UC Davis, Host of Kids Considered Podcast Res