Kobo Writing Life Podcast

#4 - Engaging Readers with Mitch Joel



Check out the books we're discussing here! Kobo Writing Life Director Mark Lefebvre interviews Mitch Joel, author of the books Six Pixels of Separation and CTRL ALT DELETE: Reboot Your Business. Reboot Your Life. Your Future Depends on it. The conversation between Mitch and Mark involve the following: Mark’s riffing on Mitch’s regularly used consistent classic opening for interviews in his Six Pixels of Separation Podcast The importance of creating consistently delivered content (Mitch’s 6 times weekly blog content and his weekly podcast) and how that relates to author branding The nature of having an audience available BEFORE you have a book and providing value to the community that you are creating content for How publishing his first book Six Pixels of Separation was a bit of a social experiment Never making an ask unless there is something more to give/offer as part of that ask The reality that selling a book is really hard Mitch’s expression: “digital crickets and virtual tumbleweeds” Twitter perspecti