Ponderings From The Perch

Digital Marketing Strategies are Nothing without Great Project Management



Is project management the secret sauce to organizational triumph? On this episode of Ponderings from the Perch, the Little Bird Marketing podcast, host and CEO, Priscilla McKinney talks with guest and TrueSense Marketing VP, Ann Campea, about the often-overlooked role of project management in business success. Campea, a fellow podcaster and experienced project management professional for companies like Apple, Amazon and Hasbro, has a diverse background that includes launching products, creating retail spaces, implementing data systems, and managing employee onboarding processes. She touches on TrueSense Marketing's unique approach to serving non-profit clients and enhancing their missions through targeted marketing strategies,including content marketing strategy and digital marketing strategy. Campea emphasizes that a project manager's primary responsibility is to pave the way for team success, often going unnoticed when things run smoothly but bearing the brunt of criticism when issues arise. Using a sport