Dr Bergs Healthy Keto And Intermittent Fasting Podcast

Don’t IGNORE These Nighttime Signs of Diabetes



Check out these 15 symptoms of high blood sugar that might occur while you’re sleeping. 1. Frequent urinating This is known as nocturia and occurs when your kidneys remove excess sugar from your blood. 2. Excessive thirst As your kidneys eliminate sugar through your urine, you deplete magnesium, potassium, and calcium. You can also become dehydrated, so you may have excessive thirst. 3. Restless legs syndrome Excess sugar depletes vitamin B1. Vitamin B1 deficiency causes lactic acid buildup and a lack of oxygen in the legs. This can also be related to magnesium deficiency. 4. Peripheral neuropathy This condition causes burning, pain, or numbness on the bottom of the feet. Benfotiamine combined with alpha lipoic acid is a great remedy. 5. Cramps in lower legs and feet Too much sugar in the blood can cause a magnesium deficiency and calcium buildup. Magnesium glycinate supplements can help, and can also improve sleep. 6. Excessive sweating This usually occurs in the face, neck, or upper part of th