American Family Farmer

What is Farm Aid?



8/14/24 - Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan welcomes back Jennifer Fahy, Communications Director with Farm Aid, to discuss the annual event and ongoing efforts to assist family farmers in our beautiful country. Farm Aid was started in 1985 by Willie Nelson, Neil Young and John Mellencamp during the height of the farm crisis in an effort to bring people together and raise awareness for farmers and remind us all we’re not alone in the struggles and why it’s important to continue to be connected with each other. In 2001, Dave Matthews came on board and then, recently, Margo Price joined, too. Since 1985, Farm Aid has answered 1-800-FARM-AID to provide immediate and  effective support services to farm families in crisis. Now Farm Aid’s online Farmer  Resource Network connects farmers to an extensive network of organizations across  the country that help farmers find the resources they need to access new markets,  transition to more sustainable and profitable farming practices, an