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Subscriber-only episodeSend us a Text Message.What if Satan, rather than just a deceiver, had a hand in the design of woman? Explore this provocative question as we unpack Brother William Marion Branham's sermon "Marriage and Divorce" in our latest episode. We critically analyze seven key points from the sermon, scrutinizing the scriptural foundations of Branham's assertion and its wider implications for understanding the roles of men and women in biblical narratives. Together, we'll traverse the creation story in Genesis to delineate God's pure intentions from Satan's deceptive influence, emphasizing that while God created woman as Adam's helpmate, Satan's role was solely cunning deception in the Garden of Eden.Find out what Branham says about the original divine purpose for Adam and Eve, and how Satan's manipulation of sexual desire altered the course of humanity. We'll discuss the concept of "spoken word children" and how God's initial p