Gotham Press

Maximum Snikt!



Have you seen it? Did you go see it on day one? Captain and Thief did! And we're gonna talk about it a lot! LOTS OF SPOILERS! Don't worry though! We talk about more than just that! We also go into Marvel's Dr. Doom announcement. What we think of the next spinoff for The Boys. How Dan Savage got a word into the OED after years of trying. What is World BDSM Day? Yes we cover all of that and also our usual insanity and tangents that you know and love us for! With that please sit back and give Maximum Effort listening to the the latest installment of The Gotham Press -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patreon/FetLife/Discord/Facebook/YouTube/Spotify/Kandi's Sweet Box: 805-303-1173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Association with JW Paddles Carmilla The First Steel Brat Pacis Thief's Touch