Biz Women Talk With Julie Foucht

The Big Entrepreneurial Mistake of Doing it All with Carol Williams



The world is changing, and for women to stay ahead, we must choose to evolve and grow with it. Creating the life of your dreams takes dedicated effort and a sprinkle of magic. To achieve that, we need to acknowledge where we are and recognize the gap between our current state and our aspirations. My guest today and I have walked this path, done the work, and are here to share our stories. Tune in...    As a solo business owner, Certified Business and Life Coach, and single mom, Carol Williams knows the art of prioritizing and pivoting while building a life she loves. After 18 years in the design professions, Carol ventured out on her own in 2009, merging her passion for psychology with her project management expertise. Carol passionately supports scattered entrepreneurs, helping them live fulfilling lives and build the businesses they dream of.    Carol and I discuss:     - The power of focus: It's the key to transformation   - The importance of prioritization: A game-changer in business an