Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Ryan Bridge: The problem of labelling in the media



Outrage at the weekend over the Human Rights Commission.  The Chief Human Rights Commissioner has been announced as Dr Steven Rainbow and he was once accused of being transphobic or anti trans.  And it's one of those terms that can quickly change the tone or the perception of an article that you're reading.  I remember this from the university college campus protests over in the States.  You would read the CNN copy on the story and it would say they were pro Palestinian protesters, then you would read the Fox News version and it would say they're anti-Israel.  Who decides what you are? If you're pro one thing, does it automatically make you anti the other?  Women's rights campaigners, and this was the point that I think was being made about Dr Steven Rainbow, the women's rights campaigners, do they hate or are they anti trans people, or are they just pro women's rights as they would claim that they are?  And equally just because you want a ceasefire in Gaza, it doesn't mean you're anti Semitic, does it?  Ther