This Week In Linux (mp3)

This Week in Linux 120: Oracle vs Google, Nextcloud 20, Python 3.9, Better Snaps Theme Support



On this episode of This Week in Linux, well this week is so packed its just nuts. We've got new app releases with Nextcloud 20 & GIMP 2.10.22. We've also got some app building news with Python 3.9 released and a welcomed update related to Theme support in Snaps. The news that AMD is reportedly in talks to acquire the company Xilinx, we'll talk about what this could mean. We've also got some Legal News to discuss with the lawsuit between Google vs Oracle reaching the Supreme Court. Then we're going to talk about a Gaming Event from a project I never considered interested in gaming, which is Debian. Then we'll round out the show with an update to the Kubuntu Focus Linux laptop. All that and much more comming up right now on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews! SPONSORED BY: Digital Ocean ►► Bitwarden ►► TWITTER ►► MASTODON ►► DLN COMMUNITY ►► FRONT P