Explore Norths Podcast

Podcast 154: Ella sails to Svalbard



Ella Hibbert (27) decided to postpone her North Pole circumnavigation and set out on a cruise North to Svalbard to test her boat and her self. We met her in Longyearbyen, Svalbard to catch up.  This is her mission in 2025 «She will be sailing from Haslar Marina, in the Solent, up the East coast of England, to a start point on the 66.5°N latitude of the Arctic Circle between Norway and Iceland. Then, around Iceland, southern Greenland, the NorthWest Passage through Canada, across Northern Alaska, and into Russian waters. Crossing the Laptev and Kara seas (NorthEast Passage) and eventually back to her starting point near Norway, before heading down the coastline of the UK again to set foot ashore, for the first time since leaving, back in her home base of Haslar Marina, England. « The Arctic expedition has been officially endorsed by the Scientific Exploration Society.   You can, and you should follow her and maybe support her. Check out Ella in the Arctic website. Keen on sailing the Norwegian coast? You shoul