Mantra, Kirtan And Stotra: Sanskrit Chants

Sarasvatī mahāsarasvatī by Prashanti Chanting



sarasvatī mahā-sarasvatī jay jay jay mā jaya mā mā jaya mā jaya mā jaya mā sarasvatī mā Performed, arranged and produced by Prashanti Prashanti – vocals, harmonium, bass The goddess Saraswati symbolises intuition, wisdom, supreme knowledge and the arts. Saraswati symbolises creativity, artistic and other abilities. She also symbolises the human ability to think and discern. The word ‘Saraswati’ means the one who gives the essence (sara) of one's self (swa), also the flowing one. Saraswati stands for the ever-flowing stream of divine grace. Sarasvatī, great Sarasvatī, long live the Mother! Long live the mother! Long live the Mother, long live the Mother, long live the Mother, Mother Sarasvatī! You can share the audio with others, to spread love and harmony.