
424: Where to Teach After Yoga Teacher Training



This episode is part of our Yoga Teacher Series, we chat ideas and opportunities you can take to kickstart your Yoga teaching journey.You can learn more about our 2025 MerryBody Yoga Teacher Training program over here.This is what we spoke about during the episodeFind a local Facebook group where yoga teachers hang out and find class cover opportunities, which can lead to permanent positions.If there is a studio that you love, put yourself out there. Network and build a relationship with the studio owner.Get your foot in the door and offer classes at a community rate or even free of charge for people to get to know your teaching style.Join local council initiatives and explore funding opportunities to teach yoga.Tap into other industries or events for wellness opportunities and offer your service.Build your social media presence to share your values and mission, and for potential clients to research and connect with you.Teach private classes and find an opportunity to collaborate and network with other profes