English With Kirsty

Episode 256: Inês Moura on voice coaching and her decision to change the language of her podcast



I decided to contact Inês because I’d been listening to her podcast, Your voice matters, for a while. I was even more excited to discover that the first episodes were in Portuguese, because it means I have some more interesting content to listen to that will help me improve my Portuguese and learn about other voice-related topics!But originally, our interview wasn’t going to be about that. I wanted to talk about voice coaching. We covered topics such as getting used to hearing your own voice and practising how you want to sound before you actually speak in public. Also, how we can use our voice to communicate our personality, even if we’re feeling nervous about the language.We can adopt vocal habits in another language that aren’t ours and it’s liberating when we learn to move past this.We also discuss why Inês decided to start a podcast, why she switched the language after the first two seasons, how she did it, what the process was like for her, and what advice she would give to people who are thinking about