Houston Matters

Another report on HPD suspended cases (Aug. 22, 2024)



On Thursday's show: Half a year after the Houston Police Department was rocked by a scandal involving 264,000 suspended cases, Mayor John Whitmire's Independent Review Committee released its findings on the matter. We learn what it had to say. And, we remember a Houston icon, Dr. Tatcho Mindiola, Jr, who passed this week.Also this hour: These hottest days of the summer are rough on Texas prisoners who, with rare exception, don’t have access to air conditioning. Is that cruel or unusual punishment? A court case may resolve that soon.Then, from sold out screenings of 80’s films, to new sequels of the Alien, Ghostbusters, and Beetlejuice movies, it appears nostalgia for the decade on film is not slowing down. We explore why on this month’s edition of The Bigger Picture.And we bid farewell to one of our producers who's departing: Troy Schulze.