Love And Courage

Lee Keylock - On Gun Violence, Division, Empathy and Kindness



Lee Keylock is the Director of Global Programs with Narrative 4. Originally from England, Lee has lived in the US for over 30 years. He is a former night club manager turned high school teacher who has a lot to say about social division and why we need to talk about empathy and human connection. A major turning point in Lee’s life was his experience working as a teacher in Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut at the time of the 2012 mass school shooting in which 26 people were shot and killed, 20 of whom were children aged between 6 and 7 years old. The other six were adult staff members. This was a major turning point for Lee that sparked a remarkable journey which eventually led him to become one of the founding figures behind Narrative 4. Lee is recognized internationally as an inspirational leader in championing understanding, education and conversations that have the power to heal and transform our fractured world. and Subscribe, share, rate, review and donate to suppor