Sbs Portuguese - Sbs Em Português

Brazilian woman is granted permanent residency after suffering domestic violence from Australian partner - Brasileira na Austrália ganha residência permanente após sofrer violência doméstica



Laura* thought she was living a dream relationship, but everything turned into a nightmare when she began to suffer emotional, financial and sexual abuse from her Australian ex-partner. They both applied for a partner visa after a brief relationship, and while they were waiting for a definitive response from immigration, everything changed. He blackmailed her with the possibility of losing her visa, and caused her to develop traumas such as depression, insomnia and anxiety attacks. After seeking help, she managed to have her permanent residency granted without her ex-partner finding out. - Laura* imaginou que estava vivendo um relacionamento dos sonhos, mas tudo virou um pesadelo quando passou a sofrer abuso emocional, financeiro e sexual do seu ex-parceiro australiano. Ambos deram entrada no Partner Visa (subclasses 820 e 801) após um breve namoro, e enquanto esperavam pela resposta definitiva da imigração, tudo mudou. Laura conta que sofria chantagens e ameaças de quem sem ele, perderia o visto. Após buscar