Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - August 22, 2024 - Gregorian Chant



(1:46) Bible Study: Ez 36:23-28 Father talks about the religion of Judaism and what you probably didn’t’ know about it. Mt 22:1-14 Father explains what the wedding garment is in this passage. (21:22) Break 1 (23:19) Letters: Father talks about a passage from Jeremiah and how we should be careful with interpretations of passages to our times, how we should define ourselves in our relationships and what it means to lay down in green pastures?   (39:42) Break 2 (40:56) Word of the Day: Caesar (42:51) Phones: Michael - Would like to thank him for all he's done and for being on the air. Mary - He mentioned yesterday about Latin Chants, where could I find them? Mark - I went to confession yesterday, it felt rushed, it was outdoors.   Should I go back again? Jill - Books to recommend about Judaism?