Ptm Radio



Subscriber-only episodeSend us a Text Message.What if the origins of humanity's spiritual battle could be traced back to two distinct seeds and two foundational trees? Journey with us as we uncover the profound theological implications of the "Two Trees, Two Seeds" revelation from Genesis 3:14-15. We promise you'll gain a deeper understanding of the enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent, the prophecy of the Messiah, and the enduring spiritual conflict that shapes human history. Explore Cain's lineage as the serpent's seed and contrast it with the godly line through Abel and Seth, illuminating the roots of our perpetual struggle between good and evil. Insights from theologians like Adam Clarke and Brother Branham will enrich your perspective on hybridization and the serpent's transformation post-curse, all set against the backdrop of the Garden of Eden's pivotal events.Ever wondered how the birth of Cain and Abel symbolizes the fundamental dual