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@HomewithDean – Homily 08/25



I am fascinated with the study of the human brain. I love science in general for the truths it uncovers, but I’m particularly interested in brain science mostly because I’m told I have one of my own, even though there are days when there’s very little evidence of it.And of all the things I’ve ever learned about the human brain there’s one truth in particular that has changed the way I approach my life more than any other. It’s a hard truth, but a necessary one:We now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the chief purpose and priority of the brain is survival.Whatever else your brain is capable of—joy, happiness, dreaming, hoping, loving, playing—none of these change the fact that your core system software—shaped by millions of years of singular purpose—is irrevocably locked on keeping you alive.That might not seem like a life-changing revelation at first, but it explains most of what you like least about you. It explains why, if given a choice, your brain will always choose your survival over your happiness.