Only Artists

Sally El Hosaini and Iain Sinclair



The cultural conversation continues: this week the film director and screenwriter Sally El Hosaini meets the writer Iain Sinclair.As a film-maker Sally records the city at one moment - so what techniques does Iain use to document his surroundings and their changes over decades? Sally El Hosaini was born in Swansea, the daughter of a Welsh mother and an Egyptian father. Her first feature film, My Brother the Devil, won the best screenplay award from the Writers' Guild of Great Britain and numerous international prizes. Sally herself received the Best Newcomer award at the 2012 London Film Festival. My Brother the Devil charts how two brothers are drawn into gang crime in East London, where Sally has lived for for more than a decade. The writer Iain Sinclair was born in Cardiff. Since the early 1970s, his work has focused on London and its surrounds. From his home in Hackney, he has almost obsessively walked the city's changing streets, recording details and finding patterns. For his much-acclaimed book London