Front Row

Tokyo: Art & Photography, Brett Goldstein and Nick Mohammed, Wellcome Photography Prize



Tokyo: Art & Photography at The Ashmolean in Oxford is a celebration of the city currently hosting the Olympics. The exhibition’s curator Lena Fritsch discusses the show which spans the arts of the Edo period (1603-1868) when the country was officially closed to the outside world, to today, and considers the sprawling metropolis’s appetite for the new and innovative. Comedy series Ted Lasso revolves around the eponymous American football coach who, fish-out-of-water, comes to London to coach a fictional football team. Its uncynical, warm-and-fuzzy feel has resounded with audiences, and writer Brett Goldstein, who stars as footballer Roy Kent, and co-star Nick Mohammed (kit-man Nathan) join Tom to discuss the show’s slow burn with audiences, the meaning of football, and how to avoid mawkishness in a show which makes a feature of “niceness”.Returning for its third year, the Wellcome Photography Prize tells provocative visual stories about the health challenges of our time, combatting taboos, bringing comple