Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Ryan Bridge: Energy Crisis - Where are Labour in all of this?



Hundreds of decent hard working Kiwi provincial Union jobs are hanging in the balance today.  Electricity spot prices peaking at $1000 per megawatt hour in the last couple of weeks. Power companies, they are basically cancelling deals for Kiwis to heat their homes this winter, and businesses are literally shuttering operations, rationing power, producing less.  Think of the ports that will be affected by that in provincial New Zealand, think of the competitive advantage that we are losing.  What's the problem? Not enough sun, not enough rain, not enough wind for our renewable energy sources, plus we have a gas shortage.  This problem will continue, in part, because Labour cancelled oil and gas exploration into the future.  Now the rubber has hit the road. The oil and gas investment and exploration has gone through the floor, investment confidence has gone through the floor.  Where are our leaders in this crisis? Well, Jacinda's in Chicago doing Kamala mania, probably still dining out on the nuclear free momen