Bloody Beaver

Jim Clyman | Iconic Fur Trapper



Jim Clyman is a name that pops up consistently in all the books I’ve read on mountain men and fur trappers, but I never really dived into the guy until now. Veteran of the War of 1812, General Ashley’s 1824 Expedition, AND the Black Hawk War, as well as friend and contemporary to guys like Jedediah Smith, Broken Hand Fitzpatrick, Hugh Glass, and Jim Bridger. From the shinning mountains to the great plains to the high desert, from the wild and woolly days till the twilight of the west, Jim Clyman was THERE! And he most definitely had his fair share of close encounters of the historical kind! Donner Party ring a bell? LISTEN TO THE END FOR AN IMPORTANT UPDATE! Check out my website for more true tales from the wild west!   Contact me!!!   Subscribe or follow The Wild West Extravaganza WHEREVER you consumer audio!   Listen to my friends at Obscure History and Texas History Lessons!!!! https://op