The Yogi Roth Show

Guy Haberman - "You Cannot Skip Steps"



Bill Walton would often state that he was the luckiest man in the world. Every time he would say that with his infectious energy I’d smile, and I bet you would too. He looked at life through an incredible lens and one that was optimistic and oftentimes inspiring.Heading into my 16th year of putting a headset on as a broadcaster, I too feel like Bill often did. Over the course of time, I’ve stood next to Steve Physioc, Kevin Calabro and for the better part of the last decade, Ted Robinson. How lucky have I been to have been given a PhD by those three in the school of broadcasting!? Let alone having Lewis Johnson, Samantha Ponder, Jill Savage, Cindy Brunson, Ashley Adamson and more on the sideline. It’s been an absolute joy and it’s an understatement to share how each of those gifted professionals have impacted millions of sports fans, and myself.This week brings a new season with a new crew, a new logo, and a new network. I’ll be in a familiar setting - overlooking Autzen Stadium in prime time on Saturday nigh