Israel News Talk Radio

Are Tel Aviv Citizens are More Equal Than Other Israeli Citizens? - The Tamar Yonah Show



On this show: Tamar speaks about the pre-emptive attack Israel took on missiles aimed for Tel Aviv that were to go off at 5am this morning. At the same time, residents in the north and south of the country have been under rocket and drone attacks for almost a year. It's population near the border have been forced to evacuate and are homeless, and those who have not been evacuated are forced to live under deadly drone and rocket fire almost every single day. WHY? Are some citizens more equal than other citizens? Also, is Europe as we have always known it, dead? Listeners call in and weigh in on the issues. Last, hear how this Jewish man in Israel says he is going to sue U.S. President Joe Biden (and why)! To see the video from Ari Abramowitz: To follow Ari: -with guest: Dr. Mordechai Ben-Menachem, commentator on mid-east and world issues, and author of the book: Muslim Winter The Tamar Yonah Show 25A