Multiple Nerdgasm

431: OnlyFans Alternative



Like sand through the hourglass, so are the episodes of our podcast. Actually, let's not bring up the concept of "time" as we aren't sure Luke fully understands it.Links:OnlyFans cuts ties with their main source of incomeDenis Villeneuve confirms Luke's predictions Quake enhanced re-release Skyrim anniversary editionCyberpunk patch releasedGeek of the Week: Trevor MooreGeek of the Week: Sean Lock If you’d like to support the show head on over to our Patreon and for as little as $1 a month you can become a member and get the show a bit earlier than everybody else. And if you want more show then for $5 a month you can get The After Party where we keep talking for another 15-30 mins every week.You can also show your support for free by leaving us a lovely five star review on your preferred podcast platform. We’ll appreciate it and so will the new listeners it will help to find the show!