The Tale Of Rome

Episode 037 - The Caudine Forks



— Aeliana’s body was placed on the left side of her husband Lucius’ body.Everything was going fine for the Romans, until they walked into a canyon, and got trapped. The most humiliating defeat for 50,000 Roman soldiers, at the Caudine Forks.Hello, this is Abel, speaking from Beijing, China. Welcome to my podcast.The Tale of Rome, Episode 37 — The Caudine Forks.During our last episode, we saw the end of many things. Many, many, things.The end of Publius Decius Mus, for he sacrificed himself on the battlefield.The end of Titus Manlius Torcuatus, in the books of Livy, for Livy banned him from his books, after the sacrifice of his own son.The end of the war against the Latins. The end of many peoples of Italy, such as the Sidicines, the Auruncians, the Volsci, and the Campanians, as free people. Yes, some lived on — under the strict yoke of Rome.It was also the end of the Latin League.And, yes — I was also the end of a respected Senator from Tusculum. Latin landowner and aristocrat Annius saw the end of his life,