Speaking Your Brand With Carol Cox | Women Entrepreneurs | Public Speaking | Communications And Media | Presentations | Tedx

407: Building Your Speaking Platform as an Author (Even If You're an Introvert!) with Tiffany Hawk



As a speaker, writing a book gives you additional authority and credibility.  Event organizers love speakers who have books because it shows that the speaker understands their material. But, how do you know what's a good idea for an entire book? On the flip side, if you're an author and public speaking isn't something you're jumping up and down to do, how can you build your platform to include speaking, even if you're an introvert? My guest is my book coach Tiffany Hawk, who is a published author and who runs the Breakthrough Book Proposal Program. Tiffany and I talk about: Her journey from reluctant to charismatic speaker as a result of attending our in-person retreat What makes a good idea for a book Why you shouldn’t write the book that you can write in your sleep How authors can build their platform, particularly around speaking, even if you’re an introvert (like us!) How speakers can build authority for their book proposal to attract agents and publishers A sneak peek of the online workshop this fall an