Tierra 100

Going To The Movies(去看电影)



My class is going to the movies on a field trip next week. (我们班下周要去看电影。)We have to get permission slips signed before we go.(我们去之前必须得到同意签字回执才行。)We also need to ask our parents if they can drive us to the movie theatre.(我们也需要问自己的父母是否能够开车送我们到电影院。)We are going to see a movie that tells the story of a book we read. (我们要去看的电影是讲述一本书的故事,这本书我们读过的。)We love it when movies are made from books.(我们很喜欢自己看过的书被制作成电影。) It is fun to compare the movie to the book. (把书很电影做一个对比很有意思。)I usually like the book better.(我通常更喜欢书。)We get to the movie early so we can buy popcorn. (我们早一点到电影院这样可以买爆米花。)Some of us buy candy and drinks, too. (有一些人也会买糖果和饮料。)We all enjoy the movie.(我们都喜欢看电影。) When we go back to school, we talk about the things in the movie and the book. (当我们回到学校的时候,都在谈论电影和书里的情节。)They are similar, but we all agree the book is better. Books let you picture the characters any way you want to.(它们很类似,但我们一致认为书会更好一些。书让我们以自己想要的方式去想象那些人物。)Word list:(词汇列表)field trip: a short school trip to a museum, par, theatre, etc. to learn things