
Church of England safeguarding; Catholic synod; Vicar's pay



The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell talks to Sunday, days after the Church of England sacked its Independent Safeguarding Board. William Crawley hears from one of those sacked, Jasvinder Sanghera, and from Jane Chevous from Survivors Voices.How much is your vicar worth? Some Anglican clergy are calling for a pay rise of 9.5% to help them manage the increased cost of living. How does the package for clergy compare with other professions and what is a fair rate of pay in the current climate?This week Britain has been celebrating 75 years since the Empire Windrush docked at Tilbury, carrying people from the Carribean. They were the first of many people who were invited to Britain to help rebuild the country after the war. Barbara Blake Hannah was among the Windrush Generation. She became the first black TV news reporter in the UK, but suffered racism. The experience led her to return to Jamaica and to take up the Rastafari religion.It's been called the biggest consultation in human history. A globa